Wednesday, December 1, 2010


If it has been years since you have visited a dentist or if you are fearful of going to see a dentist we may have just the solution for you, sedation dentistry.  With a small pill you are able to relax comfortably while your treatment is being completed.  Often in just one visit.

So, what does your smile say about you? 
Does it say "I'm confident and happy" ...or

Does it say "I'm embarrassed and uncomfortable"?

I want you to ENVISION your ideal smile.  What would that look like?  I'm guessing that it would include straighter, whiter and brighter teeth.  Right?

Your vision can happen!!  I know what I have mentioned is a little scary but I also know that some of you out there will have the courage to call the office to schedule that NO CHARGE Consultation you have been putting off for forever.  Come meet the Envision Dental Team today!!

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