Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cold Sore Help...

     This time of year the rush of the holidays from Thanksgiving to New Years can cause a bit of extra stress and sometimes our bodies react by producing a lovely red sore with lots of little blisters in the middle...usually right on your lips.  This is a phenomena known as a COLD SORE, or fever blister. 
     Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type I, also known as herpes labialis.  This strain of herpes usually leads to infection from the waist up, while type II infections are usually located below the waist, also known as genital herpes.  The most common areas for type I breakouts are the mouth, lips, nose and chin.  The virus is highly contagious and can be passed from kissing and other exposure to the sore.  That means hand washing is essential BEFORE you use the bathroom as well as after.  Children are highly susceptible, so be sure to avoid kissing and sharing drinks if you have a breakout.
     Once a person is exposed to the virus it may lie dormant in the body for years and be triggered at a later time.  The virus attaches deep in the nerve roots near the area that was exposed and remains there. Breakouts may be triggered from one of several different things including stress, excessive sun exposure, colds and other infections or monthly periods.  Some people will experience frequent breakouts while others may only have them one or two times a year. 
     The blisters associated with the cold sore usually dry up in a few days and are replaced with scabs that disappear in about 7-10 days.  While there is no cure for this virus there are several ways to treat the burning and pain from the sores.  Envision Dental offers a topical germicidal antiseptic, available only to medical professionals,that helps relieve pain and burning caused by the cold sore.  After multiple breakouts most people are able to "feel" when they are about to get a cold sore.  This feeling is often described as a tingly, itchy sensation and when this feeling occurs it is very important to start treatment right away to shorten the severity and longevity of the breakout.
     Contact our Team at Envision Dental for more information or to purchase this helpful product.

Smiles, Holly