Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Message from Kayla!

I love animals, and am enjoying my work here at Envision Dental  immensely.  So to combine these two interests, you may find the following animal dental facts of interest to you and the family pet (including a few other critters)!

Keep in mind the average adult has 32 teeth...

- Dogs have 42 teeth

-  Cats have 30 teeth

-  Guinea Pigs have 20 teeth

-  Hamsters have 16 teeth (some of which will continue to grow throughout its lifetime)

-  Pigs have 44 teeth

-  An elephant will grind down and re-grow SIX sets of teeth in an average life span.


-  An Armadillo can have over a hundred teeth!  (Aren't you glad you don't have to floss that many?)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A message from Lynne...

Is your breath as fresh as it should be?

Bad breath is an embarrassing problem.  Using mouthwash and or sucking on mints is only going to temporarily cover up the odor.  Getting to the root of the problem will be a refreshing way to a healthier and happier you.

The causes of bad breath are numerous and could include certain foods, alcohol, cigarettes, poor or infrequent tooth brushing/flossing habits, periodontal disease, diabetes, dry mouth, sinus infections and reflux issues.  Here are some tips to keeping mouth odor under control:

- Brush teeth twice a day

-  Floss daily to clean debris from between the teeth, under the gums

-  Get regular dental cleanings

-  Clean your tongue on a regular basis

-  Eat a healthy diet

-  Treat underlying health issues

Call me at ENVISION Dental,  Lynne

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Is Your Smile Helping You or Holding You Back?

Your smile has a bigger effect on your business and personal relationships than any other part of your appearance.  It's one of the first things people will notice about you when meeting you for the first time.

For hundreds of years, from the Mona Lisa to today's cover girls, a smile has always carried great significance.  Your smile might say that your are shy and scared or it may say I am proud and confident.

It is a reliable indication of a person's sense of well-being and has an enormous impact on your health, self-esteem and your personal and business relationships.

In short...a beautiful smile makes peoples more attracted to you; more disposed to like you, more eager to do business with you and more eager to help you with any kind of favor you need.

Here are three questions that you might consider when thinking about your smile and changes that you would like to make with it...

1.  When you see someone with a gorgeous smile does it make you envious?

2.  Are you ever embarrassed to smile with your teeth showing?

3.  Is there anything you would do to change your smile?

4.  Do you frequently smile "behind your hand"?

We believe that everyone should have the smile they want.  A beautiful smile has the ability to boost your confidence and dramatically change your daily life.

Call us today and we can make your dreams come true
by helping you wear the smile of a lifetime!