Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how old you are. Many people think only children get cavities but the same things that cause cavities in kids, also cause cavities in adults.
Tooth decay and cavities occur when plaque forms on the teeth. Plaque is a clear, sticky substance that contains bacteria. The food you eat provides sugar to the bacteria. The bacteria uses this sugar and produces acid. In turn, the acid will attack the teeth and eat away and the enamel to cause cavities.
To fight cavities, you will need to thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. This will disrupt the plaque and bacteria formation on your teeth. You will also need to reduce the amount of sugary foods and how often you eat them. A fluoridated tooth paste will also help. If you get a lot of cavities or have recession or decalcified areas we may recommend a prescription strength fluoride to use.
At Envision Dental, I will sometimes see a patient that has not had a cavity in many years, but now they have many. How can this happen? Sometimes, due to aging or certain medications there becomes less saliva which leads to dry mouth. Saliva helps to wash the sugar off of the teeth and neutralize the acid. Thus, no saliva and a greater chance of cavities. To make matters worse, they will sometimes suck on hard candies all day long to relieve the dry mouth. This sugar bath will quickly cause many cavities. They will need to pay special attention to oral hygiene. If they use something, such as candies, to moisten their mouths, make sure they are sugar free. Two good artificial sweeteners to use that do not promote bacteria and acids are Xylitol and Spevia.
But some people, even if they have great oral hygiene and limit sugary foods, still get cavities. How come? Some people naturally have a highly acidic saliva. To combat this, we recommend a product such as Mi Paste. This paste neutralizes the acid and helps to recalcify the teeth. For any one getting a lot of cavities or who are prone to, Mi Paste can also help. We would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Thomas Berard DDS
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