Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's up with Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that come in at adulthood.The teeth are named that, because you are at a more mature age than when your other teeth came in. Wisdom teeth vary in size and shape. You may have a couple, all four, or none at all. Many people have had their wisdom teeth removed as teenagers or young adults usually after orthodontic treatment. This is a preventative procedure done prior to the teeth coming in to avoid new crowding or a relapse of crowding. Wisdom teeth that are left to come in the mouth may have trouble along the way. Wisdom teeth can get trapped in the bone (impacted) or only a part of the tooth comes in due to lack of room. Wisdom teeth can cause even more problems as you get older. Periodontal disease can start around the wisdom teeth putting the teeth in front of them in jeopardy. These teeth are hard to clean and you may get an odor from them giving you chronic bad breath. Also, you're likely to get a cavity in one or more of them leading to costly dental repairs. Removing wisdom teeth when your young is a wise decision, because you are healthier and you will heal twice as fast than if you wait till your older. If you have any questions about your wisdom teeth call Envision Dental today!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. I am really very appreciated with this blog. Wisdom teeth are the last of the moral teeth, appearing in some people, never showing up in others. They emerge at the age of 17 to 24 years. Up to four wisdom teeth can emerge in a person, one tooth in each corner of the mouth.
