There are many excuses I've heard over the years why people do not floss. All of which are not hurting anyone but the individual giving the excuse. The bottom line is if you do not floss on a regular basis (at least every 24 hours) you leave food debris and bacteria in between your teeth that your toothbrush can't reach. Would you leave food out on your kitchen counter for a couple of days and then pack your lunch? Yikes! The reality is bacteria are living, breathing and moving organisms around your teeth. Flossing breaks up this pesty party going on in your mouth. So, all the talk you hear at your dental appointment about the importance of flossing is to give you the inside scoop we already know. Maintain a healthy diet, good overall health, regular dental visits, and toothbrushing and flossing after meals will give you the confidence you need for your next dental appointment. No excuses! -Lynne.
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