Thursday, January 29, 2015

Laser Bacterial Reduction - Now available during your regular cleaning and perio maintenance appointments!

Here at Envision Dental we are constantly learning and striving to advance the standard of patient care in our practice. As such, we have recently added a new procedure available at your routine cleaning to help fight periodontal disease.     
         Laser Bacterial Reduction is now available at your cleaning and perio maintenance appointments. Laser Bacterial Reduction removes the bacteria that causes periodontal disease. We now know that the bacteria and inflammation that is present in periodontal disease is linked to a number of other diseases such as:

·       Cardiovascular Disease

·       Diabetes

·       Rheumatoid Arthritis

·       Kidney Disease

·       Preterm/low birth weight babies

·       Respiratory Infection

          Laser Bacterial Reduction decreases the amount of bacteria that may enter the bloodstream during the cleaning process. Also, Laser Bacterial Reduction prevents the harmful bacteria from spreading around from tooth to tooth. Laser Bacterial Reduction only takes a few minutes, is painless, and with no side effects to worry about. The laser decontamination process normally takes about 5 – 10 minutes. We highly recommend that you take advantage of this service as part of your routine cleaning. Laser Bacterial Reduction is $30.00 and is not covered by insurance. Unfortunately insurance coverage is almost always behind the leading edge in high tech health care.
Tell Lynne at your next hygiene appointment if you would like to add Laser Bacterial Reduction to your appointment! ~