Regular dental exams not only help decrease your risk of oral health problems, such as cavities and gum disease, but also may help to diagnose other, sometimes fatal, medical conditions. Many diseases with oral signs may first prevent themselves in the mouth. The dental team can often recognize early signs of serious diseases, such as, diabetes and cancer.
More than 25 million people in the US suffer from diabetes. They have high blood sugar levels and a low resistance to infection and an increase in the chance of:
- Gum disease, including swollen and tender gums that bleed easily
- Tooth decay
- Taste impairment
- Inflammatory skin disease
- Persistent bad breath
During your regular dental check up, we look for signs of oral cancer:
- Sores that bleed easily and do not heal
- Crusted, rough areas of skin
- Lumps or thick hard spots
- Changes in the lymph nodes
- Tenderness, pain, or numbness inside the mouth
Eating Disorders:
Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. They can damage your oral and overall health. They can rob the body of much needed nutrition such as vitamins and minerals. The person is often malnourished and sickly. The gums can become soft and tender, bleeding easily. The excess acid from vomiting can eat away tooth enamel, making the theta thin, sensitive and more prone to decay. They may also experience swollen salivary glands and dry mouth.
Regular dental exams, allows the dental team to look for damage to your mouth, teeth, and gums. It allows us to also look for early signs of health problems. Make sure to let us know any changes to your health history and medications you are taking.