Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some Call It Laughing Gas...

     Nitrous Oxide, often referred to as Laughing Gas, or N2O, is an excellent way to get through your dental visit with a little less anxiety.  Nitrous Oxide is simply administered via a small nose-piece that is worn for the duration of your visit or as long as you are feeling the need or desire for it's use.  There are many benefits to using "Nitrous" for your dental visits.

     *  It works rapidly - reaching the brain in 20 seconds.  Pain-killing and relaxation properties develop within 2-3 minutes.

     *  The amount of sedation can be adjusted by the administrator on a momentary basis, either more or less.

     *  Is is easy to give doses in very small incriments until the desired effect is reached.

     *  It can be given only for the time needed with no after effects.

     *  There is no "hangover" effect.  The gas is eliminated from your body in 3-5 minutes after the gas supply is stopped.  Oxygen is administered to help clear your head faster, so that you are able to drive safely.

     *  It is very safe to use.  It has few side effects and no ill effects on the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys or brain.

     *  Nitrous oxide use has been shown to limit or eliminate severe gagging.

     *  For some procedures it may be possible to use nitrous instead of local anesthesia.  (Usually for treatment that involves the gums, not the teeth) N20 acts as a painkiller on soft tissue like the gums,  however, the pain-relieving effects can be different from one person to the next.  When using nitrous you may find that you feel like you are floating or your fingers and toes may tingle slightly.  Generally people enjoy the experience and request it for all of their dental treatment.

If you have never used nitrous during a dental visit please feel free to request it at your next appointment.  There is no additional charge and it often makes your time in the chair more comfortable.

Smiles, Holly

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

...Brian B. (Neuromuscular Dentistry)

"For nearly 20 years I suffered from sometimes debilitating headaches.  As the years went by the headaches became stronger and more frequent in nature.  Diagnosed as migraines, cluster headaches and finally "face pain of unknown origin", no treatment was able to reduce or eliminate my headaches or provide significant relief.  My painful headache episodes, which often involved pain lasting more than 48 hours could only be somewhat relieved by narcotic pain medication."  

"After numerous trips to various doctors including neurologists and other specialists, and cat scans, MRI and other diagnostic tools coming up with no definitive cause, it was finally recommended to me by an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist that I seek out a doctor of dentistry familiar with the latest techniques in Neuromuscular Dentistry.  Much to my relief, I was able to find Dr. Berard right here in Traverse City!"  

"After a consultation with Dr. Berard, where he explained that 80% of headaches are (related to an imperfect bite), I availed myself of his services and the virtually painless process of identifying the specifics of my problem and creating an orthotic to treat it, were completed."

"Despite my suspicions, after so many years of suffering, I'm incredibly grateful to have been absolutely 100% headache and pain free since just a week or so after beginning to wear my orthotic device!  Dr. Berard's treatment has radically improved my quality of life and I would enthusiastically encourage anyone suffering from migraines or other headaches who are not finding relief to consult with Dr. Berard at ENVISION Dental."