Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do You Suffer From Migraines or Headaches?

Kyle, Holly, Lynne and I have just returned from a 3-day seminar at The Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Training (LVI). The seminar gave us valuable new information on the latest treatments for headaches and migraines. We learned that 80% of headache and migraine sufferers can have their symptoms greatly reduced or totally eliminated through neuromuscular dentitry.

Sufferers are predisposed to headaches and migraines through increased muscle tension in the head and neck region. This tension is caused by an incorrect, unbalanced bite. There may be triggers to the pain such as certain foods, bright lights or even hormonal changes, however, these triggers would not cause the headches or migraines unless the underlying muscle tension was already present. It is my goal to get you out of pain and correct the problem so that you never have to experience the headaches again.

If you or someone you know is suffering from frequent headaches or migraines give me a call for a no-charge consultation. Just imagine living your life without the pain, frustration and sensitivity of head pain. If you suffer from any of the following issues I may be able to help resolve these symptoms as well...
* Jaw Pain or noise (clicking or popping)
* Limited mouth opening
* Ear Congestion (fullness, pressure)
* Vertigo (Dizziness)
* Tinnitus (Ringing or noise in ears)
* Dysphagia (Difficulty swallowing)
* Sensitive Teeth (loose, tender or temperature sens.)
* Clenching or Grinding
* Dry Mouth (after sleeping)
* Facial Pain (non-specific)
* Cervical Pain (neck pain)
* Postural Problems
* Paresthesia of Finger Tips (tingling)
* Pain in Temples, Forehead or Shoulders
* Nausea
* Nervousness/Insomnia

"I can't wait to go back for the next training!!!" That was the first thing I said to my husband when I returned from LVI. I had so much to talk about and was so excited about all the new information I brought back from the seminar. I am also super excited to put it all to use. I have suffered from migraines all of my life and on April 27th, just before we went to LVI, I was hooked up to the TENS unit (a machine to relax your facial/shoulder muscles) and the K-7 (a jaw tracking device). A few weeks later I received an orthotic, which I prayed would eliminate my headaches. Now a little over a month has gone by and I can honestly say I have not had ONE headache since I began wearing it. This applance has changed the way I live my life. I am blessed to have such an amazing and brilliant Doctor to work for. I can only hope you will take my word for it and come in to see all the wonderful ways, through Neuromuscular Dentistry, Dr. Berard and our team at ENVISION Dental can change the way you live your life!!!